Lucy Lifton Lucy Lifton

Our March Open Meeting

Every year we have four open meetings, which provide our membership with an opportunity to connect with, offer suggestions to and be a part of our strategy. This ensures that BEN’s mission is serving its membership, its network…

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Lucy Lifton Lucy Lifton

Over 900 people reached in the community!

In 2023, our Energy Helpdesk kiosks have helped us connect with over 900 people in the Bristol area. Our volunteers have worked hard to support communities across the city, with over 150 people trained as part of the project…

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Lucy Lifton Lucy Lifton

Our 2023 AGM highlights

Every year we have four open meetings, which provide our membership with an opportunity to connect with, offer suggestions to and be a part of our strategy. This ensures that BEN’s mission is serving its membership, its network…

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