Over 900 people reached in the community!
In 2023, our Energy Helpdesk kiosks have helped us connect with over 900 people in the Bristol area. Our volunteers have worked hard to support communities across the city, with over 150 people trained as part of the project.
The Energy Helpdesk is just one of the ways we’re empowering communities to help them lead the energy transition. Whilst our members are highly-engaged in the community energy movement, the purpose of the Energy Helpdesk is to reach those who are not as engaged, right in the heart of the community.
By hosting our Energy Helpdesk kiosks, we’re meeting the public where they need us to. This is crucial for community energy, especially when it is the communities who will be the ones to deliver this change. Our Help Desks identify areas where members of the public can cut down on energy bills, as well as pointing them in the direction of help and assistance to ensure that they are not left behind.
The Energy Helpdesks are also an important way for us to understand where Bristol Energy Network can be of most use to its network. These important meeting points provide us with the knowledge and the understanding to ensure that local groups are supported properly.