By filling out a form and submitting it to us via our website pages, you are agreeing to us storing your contact information you provide on our internal database. We don’t share our data with third-parties unless you have been notified and have agreed to the use of your data. Your form submission data is held on our Squarespace site. You can read Squarespace’s privacy notice here.


As part of the sign up process to become a member of Bristol Energy Network, we request that elected representatives register on behalf of the organisation you are agreeing to BEN contacting you with information and events about community energy in Bristol, including the Bristol Energy Network newsletter. We will only
use your details for the above purpose; we will not pass on your details to anyone else, unless you give us your permission to do so first. We will keep the details
you have given us for as long as you wish to be a member. If you no longer wish to be a member or have any questions about the data that we hold about
you please contact us.


As a member, we will:

  • Send you a regular newsletter with news, information, and opportunities from Bristol Energy Network, its member organisations, and the city.

  • Send relevant ad hoc emails with invitations for you and your representatives to participate in events we feel are relevant and initiatives which BEN are delivering, supporting or associated with.

  • Notify you about any updates to the membership, its processes or organisational changes from BEN, particularly where this may have implications for your organisation's membership of our network.

  • Contact you to ensure the information we hold for you is correct.

  • Contact you to request feedback, or invite your participation in surveys for research purposes and to improve the services we provide.


As part of your sign-up process to the Energy Academy, you are agreeing to us communicating with you through our newsletter about:

  • Workshop programmes

  • Funding opportunities

  • Surveys and feedback

  • Events we think may be relevant

You can opt out at any time by visiting the preferences banner at the bottom of every email you receive.


We primarily communicate using email via Mailchimp (a third-party) service. Please review their terms and conditions and Privacy Policy.

Should you wish to opt out of our emails, you can do so by visiting the preferences banner at the bottom of every email you receive.


When a member or or moves on from their organisation individual contact unsubscribes, we ensure that their data is removed and the organisation’s data updated.

Any conversations or data relating to the organisation will remain in our database to help us continue our relationship with our partners, however, the contact will not be contacted by Bristol Energy Network unless specific agreements have been made prior.


Any surveys which are conducted by BEN will detail the specific ways in which the data will be used before the user consents. We use SurveyMonkey for general surveys and Mailchimp for email specific submissions. Find SurveyMonkey’s GDPR policy here. Our Data Storage Policy for survey data is as follows:

Data Storage and Security:

Your personal data will be securely stored and accessible only to Bristol Energy Network (BEN). The anonymised results will be published and shared with our partners. BEN will not share your personal data with third parties. 

For any queries about how your personal data held, please contact us at to do this.