Sign up to our Energy Academy Energy Champion programme, here:

If you live in the Bristol area…

Get access to a free energy assessment worth up to £350

Via our Energy Academy, you can sign up to be an Energy Champion to be supported to take action in your home and in your community.

This programme is part of a larger project called Transforming Energy Together which is a collaboration between us, Bristol Climate and Nature Partnership, the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Bristol City Council, you can read more about it here (scroll down to the relevant section). Transforming Energy Together is part of an exciting and ambitious project called Mission Net Zero which is aiming to make Bristol a more sustainable and inclusive city. Mission Net Zero is funded by Innovate UK, in partnership with Bristol City Council.

What does being an Energy Champion involve?

Being an Energy Champion will enable you to get a free Energy Trace of your home, take part in a workshop programme, connect with local community climate action and events, and we also hope that you’ll share your knowledge with friends, family, neighbours or your wider community. Read on for more details!

A free home Energy Trace:

You’ll have an opportunity to get a free Energy Trace of your home with our partners Energy Tracers, which is usually worth up to £350. This will help you to understand where there is heat loss and any energy issues in your home (draughts, mould, ventilation, etc.). This will help you to make an action plan to make your home healthier and more comfortable, which in turn will have a positive impact on your health and help you save money on your energy bills.

Workshops and training:

  • Following on from your free Energy Trace, you’ll then have the opportunity to take part in workshops to show you what action you can take, such as:

    • Provide you with skills and knowledge to help you make energy efficiency improvements in your home.

    • Give you more confidence in communicating what needs to be done to external contractors, your landlord or housing association regarding your home energy improvements.

    • Provide you with relevant resources and access to funding opportunities for making energy improvements.

    • Give you information about and opportunities for engagement in community energy, a just energy transition and community climate action; we want to help you feel empowered to take action in your home and in your community.

Email updates:

  • We’ll send you regular Energy Academy newsletters to provide you with the latest information about community energy and tips about what you can do to make energy improvements in your home.

Community action and events:

  • We’ll support you to help you engage others in energy action in your community if you would like to share your knowledge and get involved in community climate action. We hope that you will want to tell others around you about what you have learned and how it might be able to help improve their comfort and bills at home as well. If you would like to get involved in community action we will provide you with support and connections to get involved in community energy projects in your local area.

  • Furthermore, we’ll give you the chance to network with other passionate people who want to support a just energy transition, and you’ll be invited to join us at our events and Open Meetings to be part of the BEN community.

The time commitment:

  • An Energy Trace takes between 1-3.5 hours depending on the size of your house, and there will likely be four key workshops which will last around 1.5-2 hours each. However, there is no fixed time commitment, so if you are limited in time we would still encourage you to sign up as an Energy Champion. We are aware that there will likely be varying levels of engagement from each Energy Champion. Some of you may only have time to get your free Energy Trace and attend the key workshops, others might also get involved with local community action.

  • Sharing some of the information you’ll get from the workshops with your friends and family is also a fantastic way to be an Energy Champion.